Quackers Update:




Rumor has it the elusive Ms Quackers has been returned to the Mt. Airy’s Lab.   Junior says, after close examination, that the new Ms Quackers is an imposter and vows to keep searching for the real Ms Quackers.



Baby Quackers on a resent visit  to Vancouver got a chance to ride in a ski cap.

Unfortunately for baby Quackers it was on the cap of a first time skier.

     Baby Quackers and Junior after a short hiatus are continuing their world travels to find the naughty but fun loving Ms. Quackers. The Quackers entourage will travel to Australia in search of!!!!

     A new Quackers travel vest is out fitted and ready to go. A vest guaranteed to confuse any pick pocket.  Departure time March 19th, more news to come.

Totally Quackers Web site